Jersey City, NJ Photographer
also travels to nearby areas in New Jersey and New York City
The Jersey City Photographer Miranda Suess helps entrepreneurs and creatives looking to elevate their personal and small business brands with headshots, event, real estate photography & more.
Miranda Suess
Hello! I am a Jersey City (07304) photographer and can come to you in New York City and New Jersey. I have the proper photography gear to set up an on location studio in almost any space. Most of my clients are small businesses, real estate companies, creative entrepreneurs, and job seekers who want to elevate their online presence like
Branding photos for business owners that tell a story about why they do what they do and how they do it
Headshot photography for about me sections, profile pics, business cards, resumes, and more.
Event photography for corporations, award shows, holiday parties, and small company gatherings that need social media coverage
Real-estate photos to showcase interiors + architecture + neighborhoods to excite potential tenants about their new home
Looking forward to connecting with you!
Text Friendly: ‪(908) 738-1238‬
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For Small Business Owners
This google spreadsheet finances template is made by a small business owner, Suess Moments / The Jersey City Photographer, for small business owners who:
Have multiple checking & savings accounts and want to track the income and expenses all in one sheet
Have credit cards to pay off monthly balances
Sometimes make the mistake of spending a business expense using a personal bank account or credit card and need to track it
They want to log their income from all accounts, so they know how to spend, save and stay debt-free with budgeting, making goals, and allocating funds into savings and other accounts
Organize travel, mileage and inventory so it’s easy to share with accountant at the end of the year
Watch the Youtube video tutorial to see if this customizable & automated spreadsheet will work for you! Ready to purchase? Buy it on Etsy now.